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3D custom figures
Scanning and reproduction of people and all kinds of real objects

We use 3D scanning and printing technology for figures of people, objects, mechanical and industrial elements, as well as their scale reproduction

Your 3D reproduction

Have you ever imagined a miniature version of you? We make it possible through scanning technology and 3D printing.


Very easy and fast: In just a few hours we developed a product that until recently was unimaginable.

A memory forever: It is a revolutionary way to immortalize a moment of your life. A portrait of a family, a group of friends, a birth or any celebration, such as weddings, baptisms or communions. Endless possibilities.

Your 3D wedding ... You will be the bride and groom of the cake!

Getting married is a very, very special day. Also, if you want, you can turn it into something even more special if you add an imperishable memory of that moment. Come and we will make you those 3D boyfriends figures that you will always treasure

3D athletes

Your passion and effort will be rewarded with an imperishable memory of that moment. We'll scan you in a few minutes with our powerful 3D technology equipment.

​© Copyright 2014 - 2025  Labs3D - Aviso Legal

Telf: +34 610 292886 / +34 657 685715

Escaneo 3d   -   Escaneo 3d personas   -   Escaneo 3D piezas industriales    -   Escaneo 3D personalizados   -   Impresión 3D   -   Escáner Láser 3D   -   Escaner de luz 3D  -  Figuras novios

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