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3D custom figures
Scanning and reproduction of people and all kinds of real objects

We use 3D scanning and printing technology for figures of people, objects, mechanical and industrial elements, as well as their scale reproduction

Would you like to have your own 3D technology business?

We advise you in the creation of your own business

You can create your own business in the technology of the future with a minimum of investment, limited fixed expenses and variable expenses aligned with the volume of work you generate.

You do not need to be a technology specialist

Our technicians will advise you on the steps you must take. In reality, you will only need a small training in scanning techniques.

Do not worry about design and printing tasks

We take care of the digital design of the scanned images as well as the ceramic polymer printing of the figures,

We even take care of sending the figures!

If you are interested, send us your question in our contact form and we will be happy to talk with you.

​© Copyright 2014 - 2025  Labs3D - Aviso Legal

Telf: +34 610 292886 / +34 657 685715

Escaneo 3d   -   Escaneo 3d personas   -   Escaneo 3D piezas industriales    -   Escaneo 3D personalizados   -   Impresión 3D   -   Escáner Láser 3D   -   Escaner de luz 3D  -  Figuras novios

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